Every classroom is different. Regardless of your course style, there are strategies you can use to create a supportive, positive environment to reduce anxiety and stress. One strategy to help reduce anxiety and stress is the PAUSE, BREATHE, RELAX Method.
Stand up and relax your arms, wiggling your fingers, closing your eyes (if you are comfortable)
1. Relax your face.
2. Lower your shoulders.
3. Loosen your jaw.
4. Take a big breath. In your nose out your mouth.
5. Take a big breath. In your nose out your nose.
6. Take a big breath. In your mouth out your mouth.
7. Take a big breath. In your nose out your mouth.
8. Take a big breath. In your nose out your nose.
9. Take a big breath. In your mouth out your mouth.
Breathing technique requires a person to focus on taking breaths in and out. Rhythmic breathing is a core part of many meditation practices as it promotes relaxation.
Rhythmic breathing may have multiple benefits, including:
managing cravings
As long as a person maintains constancy, they may notice benefits after several days or weeks of doing breathing techniques one to two times a day.