Oklahoma bursts with amazing "new" trails. Oh, they might've been walked by a thousand folks before, but the first time you set feet to one new-to-you, the real treat begins.
For the organizations we choose as worthy of our time, exploring what they offer us and finding something new to appreciate can be just as true as turning switchbacks at Roman Nose or cresting a bluff overlooking Fort Sill. Over the past year, Education Services-Special Populations (ESSP) spent much time in planning and thought about how to create better experiences for our small, yet growing, membership. Among many other things, we want to be more visible, more vibrant, and more engaged with you.
Esspok.org is our new hub of activity for members and those interested in learning more about what exactly we do. Are we only about special education? No. Do we have events for members? Yes. We will go into detail answering these and other questions across this website. And... we hope... have a lot of fun while doing so.
Consider this blog post part of our "soft launch" of a newly reinvigorated ESSP. Keep a watch on the website for exciting updates to come in the next few weeks. Like what?
Resource downloads page
Scholarship information page (students and members)
Monthly contests for real money
ESSP merch store
Upcoming events and professional development
So, follow our socials, bookmark our website, and signup for updates. We look forward to having you along as part of ESSP!