Entering a new industry can feel daunting. For many newcomers, finding reliable advice on how to chart their course is crucial. Recently, during a Q&A session with E.S.S.P. members, valuable insights were shared with Reporter to guide those taking their first steps.
Let's take a look:
Question: What advice do you have for someone new to the industry?
~Raymond Ullery, Construction Technology Instructor, Career Tech Skills Centers:
"Someone new to construction simply needs to learn and understand how to use a tape measure until it becomes second nature for them. A tape measure is used in every trade and even in everyday life." ~
~Barrett Richardson, Project Manager, Career Tech Skills Centers:
"I think to do what we do successfully you have to have empathy, be consistent, and see your job as more than a pay check.
I tell our students to keep their expectations realistic. I tell them experience is the key in welding, construction, or the trucking industry. They will learn more in their first few weeks on the job than they did in their actual training. For example, I tell the CDL candidates that just because they pass the CDL drive test that they are still not truck drivers. They are a long ways from getting behind the wheel and driving to Chicago, Houston, or even across Oklahoma City. They need to go to work for a company with a good training/mentoring program and learn how to be a truck driver".
~Margie Creager Career Connection Specialist at KiamichiTech McAlester:
"Don't wait to get involved with your division; so you have a network of colleagues to assist you when you need it.
There will be challenges and setbacks, but keep a positive attitude and see challenges as an opportunity to grow".
~Blake Thomas, Director -SCORE, Great Plains Technology Center Lawton, OK.
"My advice to someone new to the industry is first show up and be an active participant. Be involved, communicate, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Always be willing to learn and try new things. Trying and making a mistake is better than no effort. Try to get a little better each day".
~Justin Lockwood, Chief of Staff of Oklahoma CareerTech
"I would suggest that someone new to the industry remember why they entered the profession. It is our job to help people be successful in life. There will be many struggles and many opportunities to get down on yourself about the struggles you are facing. Remember, in the end, you are helping change peoples lives."
Final Thoughts
The guidance shared by E.S.S.P. members offers a better pathway for newcomers. By focusing on continuous learning, networking, seeking feedback, setting goals, embracing challenges, and staying true to oneself, newcomers can navigate their careers more confidently.
What advice do you have for someone new to the industry?
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We would love to hear your advice below in the comments section.
